How To Keep A Cat From Door Dashing
Most of my clients keep their cats indoors. Some of those kitties are door dashers, so I've developed a strategy.
What's the best way to keep my cat from running out the door?
My favorite way to keep kitty inside is surprisingly simple. On arrival at the house, I hold my handbag a little below knee height (at cat height), then barely open the door and ease the bag in ahead of me. Cats back up when they see the bag/shield/blocker. The trick is to focus on the cat and keep moving the bag slowly forward toward kitty until he backs away from the door. Then you can go inside and close it.
I think my technique comes from playing basketball years ago. During a game you stay focused on the player you're guarding and ready to respond to any sudden moves. To keep a cat inside, it doesn't have to be a handbag. A tablet, piece of mail, briefcase, bag of groceries or similar object will do the job just fine.
I think my technique comes from playing basketball years ago. During a game you stay focused on the player you're guarding and ready to respond to any sudden moves. To keep a cat inside, it doesn't have to be a handbag. A tablet, piece of mail, briefcase, bag of groceries or similar object will do the job just fine.
Indoor cat trying to escape? Sorry Ernie, inside is best.
The other day Ernie the Elmwood cat heard me coming up the steps for our morning cat sitting visit. He meowed hello from the other side of the door. I unlocked it and put the keys in my pocket. With my left hand I turned the knob and held it while opening the door an inch. With my right hand I held my handbag at cat height against the open inch and kept it there. My left hand was still on the knob and I pushed the door open a couple more inches. At the same time I slowly moved the bag forward at cat height into the gap toward Ernie, whose cute inquisitive face was there in the opening.
As soon as he saw the approaching blocker bag he turned around, took a few steps away from the door and rolled on his back. I quickly slipped the rest of the way inside and closed the door securely. The whole maneuver took 10 seconds.
Hi Ernie, time for breakfast!
As soon as he saw the approaching blocker bag he turned around, took a few steps away from the door and rolled on his back. I quickly slipped the rest of the way inside and closed the door securely. The whole maneuver took 10 seconds.
Hi Ernie, time for breakfast!